So the weekend went by with hardly a hitch... Friday night the little lady and I went out to Bonefish and came home uncomfortably full, watched a couple episodes of True Blood and made our way to the sleeping chamber to see if she could slam me around the room at super vampire speeds... Nope, she couldn't... she is such a puss. Saturday was shopping and an evening at the club... got to see some of the local cross dressing talent strut their stuffs and Sunday was a visit to the new home of some friends after a day full of yard work... fun.
No work was done on the book as I'm starting to just throw down anything that'll fill a page... I think a break is in order... and I HATE this feeling with all that I have. It's like the energy is there and the idea gland has dried or died or moved away or something... so, that's that.
I'm gonna slide out the remainder of the Endless Family but I just don't feel like touching them right now, so... have a Green Lantern or something.
I hate to say this, but I just kind of shot him out within the past hour (see how devoted I am to this blog?). I actually really dig the sketch of this one... He was in my 2010 sketch book and for some reason, he nails it in pencil... unfortunately he's just kind of weird when colored... and I had to crop out all of his bulgy chiseled manly parts as it was triggering my gag reflex... so here, he's for ya'll. Being as I got onto the topic (and this is my Blog) I figure what I'm gonna do is grab a few of the sketches form last years book and color them and add them to a section of the up coming sketch book... meh... we'll see.
Any ol' way, think I might go drink something and pass out.
I love you so hard that it kills me sometimes
uhhhh I just noticed that my last post was timestamped for 9:11pm... it's really 12:31 AM (the next day)... who do I complain to? BRETT!!!!!!!