Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Long time no blog...

Sorry about that... I've been paying a little more attention to my domestic duties rather than drawing, so I've sort of fallen off track. Either way and now that things are sort of getting back to normal, I can focus on the fun stuff... DRAWING!

Right now, I'm working on a Destruction piece to add to my "the Endless" collection. After him I'll tackle Destiny and then Delirium. Next order up will be some Wonder Women for a couple of friends who asked kindly, then onto some super hero dudes... I wanna do a Batman to sort of bookend the Joker that I just put up and then I wanna do a Superman because it's only fair... Batman should NEVER get more love than Big Blue and if you disagree with me, you're obviously an asshole or maybe even worse. Finally, I've got a request for a movie character... one with scissors for hands and a cookie for a heart awwwwwwww...


Only 4 more days until "Deep Space Tragedy" Page 1 available here  http://goo.gl/fisA on Halloween. Also don't forget to "Like" my fan page on facebook  http://goo.gl/IvB3 for the  latest "Deep Space Tragedy" updates and more from me.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Just wanna send a little extra into the stratosphere...

Happy Birthday John and Happy Anniversary Tracey Wagganer... Thank you so much.

Love, Mike

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm just gonna call this one Blue Tuesday.

I really wanted to touch base yesterday, but work had to get all workish on me, so here I am.

The weekend was just a weekend and thus nothing spectacular to report. Went on a bit of a gift card shopping spree with the wifey and had some fun with that and then got to attend a house warming party for a friend (congrats to Zach for buying a home).

Here's something cool, I got to slide around on an adult size slip-n-slide (this would be at the afore mentioned party) and that was more fun than it should've been... i love doing anything that involves almost nakedness and dirty thinking... if you can somehow find a way to add in bottles of wine (don't care what color, don't care what it costs), then hey... Go get the hose!!!! So that's me for now.

Alrighty... OOOH YEAH!!! On Friday I got the new TRANSFORMERS GENERATIONS BLURR ACTION FIGURE!!! That's him below
He is terribly slick and looks like he just came skidding in from the pages of an IDW comic book... THAT's a page from one below.

and oh man, how much do I love this figure? I dont know, it's just... a lot. So, he's basically just a repaint of the Drift figure (which should piss me off.... but it doesn't.... so there). And yes, that's Drift down there below

I have to be honest with you on something... Several months ago i got to attend BOTCON 2010 and it was there that both Blurr and Drift were placed on display for the first ever. I took several photos (no shit?) of Blurr as he's a classic character and I have wanted him with the fury of the ancients ever since... honestly. That said, you'll imaging (how deeply i soul kissed the UPS guy and...) how hard my hand were shaking as I scrabbled to open the box in which he (Blurr) came. Now for some reality... Yes, he's very stiff. Yes, he's a repaint, his heads a bit big and that hampers articulation and yes THEY PAINTED OVER HIS GD LIGHT-PIPING, but he's Blurr and that's what rocks about him... He's like 5 or 6 shades of hyper electronic cybertronian blue and he comes with this 10 foot long sniper rifle that clips to his back and he emotes cool to the point where I think i almost got laid on the account of having him... almost. So there, go buy him or something and oh ha ha haaaaa... I like my Blurr so much that I went and did a sketch of Mirage (another cool Transformer)... At least he's blue... and thus, "Blue Tuesday".


And yes... I have noticed that one of his tires has been blown off in battle ;)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well maybe we are nearing the end of the day, but I just wanted to send a little Flintstones Birthday love out into the stratosphere... Hope everyone's enjoying the vibe. Seems like yesterday I (as well as probably everyone else) was sitting in front of the TV in nothing but underwear, eating cereal and singing along with the theme. That said, I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that for his 50th Birthday, Fred finally gets that cat to stay out for the night... Here's a quick sketch of Dino, perhaps he'll help.


And on to updates... Nothing much going on other than more work on DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY. So far, we're looking like we might just have this puppy up and ready to go live by the end of October (which makes me nothing shy of FREAKIN' DISGUSTINGLY HAPPY. Work on the cover is looking like it's nearing the end, so we should have that ready for show in the next few days and www.mikewagganer.com is starting to come around as well, so if anyones interested at all, please check it out... it open for business ya'll!

Thanks and uhhhh YABADABADOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Oh and yeah... Earlier this week I was unexpectedly reacquainted with a friend that I made while at Star Wars Celebration V!!!! Everyone say hello to the beautiful and talented Beck Kramer. Beck is a Doodler from my neck of the wood (Virginia) and she's made it her life's goal to fill the world with more "cute" that anyone can handle. Seriously, she's a really talented and accomplished artist whose more than approachable and easy to talk to, so check how her stuff at http://beckadoodles.typepad.com/

In a bit!

Monday, September 27, 2010

BLAM!!! Made it past another start of the week...

... I was damn sure this one was gonna kill me.

So the weekend went by with hardly a hitch... Friday night the little lady and I went out to Bonefish and came home uncomfortably full, watched a couple episodes of True Blood and made our way to the sleeping chamber to see if she could slam me around the room at super vampire speeds... Nope, she couldn't... she is such a puss. Saturday was shopping and an evening at the club... got to see some of the local cross dressing talent strut their stuffs and Sunday was a visit to the new home of some friends after a day full of yard work... fun.

No work was done on the book as I'm starting to just throw down anything that'll fill a page... I think a break is in order... and I HATE this feeling with all that I have. It's like the energy is there and the idea gland has dried or died or moved away or something... so, that's that.

I'm gonna slide out the remainder of the Endless Family but I just don't feel like touching them right now, so... have a Green Lantern or something.

I hate to say this, but I just kind of shot him out within the past hour (see how devoted I am to this blog?). I actually really dig the sketch of this one... He was in my 2010 sketch book and for some reason, he nails it in pencil... unfortunately he's just kind of weird when colored... and I had to crop out all of his bulgy chiseled manly parts as it was triggering my gag reflex... so here, he's for ya'll. Being as I got onto the topic (and this is my Blog) I figure what I'm gonna do is grab a few of the sketches form last years book and color them and add them to a section of the up coming sketch book... meh... we'll see.

Any ol' way, think I might go drink something and pass out.

I love you so hard that it kills me sometimes


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Been a bit... sorry 'about that.

So I'm back for a bit a blog dump (not that I'm gonna say all that much... nothing of value [well i guess that all depends on what you consider "value" ahhh anyway] ), it's been a slow week... I've just been here chipping away at the Deep Space Tragedy project. A project for which my buddy Brett Reighn has gone WAY above and beyond and basically put my new webpage together by himself... for this I am truly thankful. Were it up to me, there'd probably be no page at all or maybe I'd have had to do terrible things to strangers with money... so, cheers to Brett.

Last weekend was alright, kinda slow... Got some much needed yard work half done and i did get to make it over to Park Ave Records here in Winterpark FL to catch a rare in store appearance by STEEL TRAIN (it's a young rock and roll band from NJ). Funny, their record was given to me a couple weeks ago and since then, I haven't been able to get beyond it... Please please please show these guys some love. They're good, talented and from what I can see, their collective heart is in the right place... really solid.

As far as sketches are concerned, i've done a couple... Being as since I posted the Sandman and then Death, I figured I'd just be an asshole if I didn't try my hand at the others. So... Here's Despair...

NOT the prettiest of her sibs, but necessary... and really cool to draw. I actually did Desire before Despair (I'm just keeping her/him close to the vest for a bit). I really didn't wanna toss another "easy on the eye" type of character right after Death... Know what I mean?

Either way, I started the sketch for this one and really got into it. I honestly haven't seen a version of Despair with definitive features or any kind of distinguishing marks that really make her stick (other than the fact that she's always naked), so i felt obliged to take a little bit of license with her face. I didn't go for the zooish under-bite and bulldog teeth, I pulled back on the eyebrows because I want to give her eyes like her brother Dream and kind of gave her a bit of a turned up British style nose... to me it's important to see her as something more than a monster who brings with her the ugliest of human experiences... She's more of a consequence or an example... and there should be a some dignity there... I mean C'MON, she friggin naked for Pete's Sake!!!

So yeah, here she is and she's my favorite thus far. Okay, this went longer than I wanted, so i'll let ya'll go after reminding you that the NEW WEBPAGE is almost ready to get rolling and DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY will be going live by the end of the month (fingers crossed)... please stay tuned and let me know what you think.

In a bit,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ehh... yuk

Still feeling like ass, so I did a Death sketch... get it?

Either way, I'm reeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyyy not satisfied with her at all, but I reeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllyyyyy wanted to put something up, so I'm gonna have to deal. What'll end up happening is I'll redo it, semi-likthe new one and then pull this one off and replace it... sometime. And no, this isn't the Endless week here at Mike Wagganer blog, I'm just feeling 'em again and going with it... it could be that Halloween stuff is showing up in stores and I'm getting all in the mood for Gothy stuff. Well being as I have you, I may as well have done with it and mention my weekend while I'm here... the buzz is definitely going south, so... ah whatever... So Friday was great, did some shopping with the wifey and got some new duds... a slick new winter hat and all. Saturday was school research ALLL DAAAAYYYY LONNNNGGGG, BUT but but but, it ended with an AWESOME night out with 2 of my buddies... We went to the Social (a night club in ORL) and watched Plane Jane Automobile slaughter an audience (in the good way) just before Jimmy (oh my God you talented talented talented SOB, why aren't you the President yet?) Gnecco came out to finish us off. I swear to you... that guy walks into rooms and cannot help but suck all of the air out of it... enough said, PLEASE check him out... seriously. So yeah, we finished with the show around 2 AM, grabbed a quick bite (from the Italian Sausage guy who parks his dream wagon outside of the Independant Bar [my favorite place on earth) and went on home. Then, woke back up like 4 hours later to spend AAAAALLLLLLL of Sunday on the boat with my dear friend DD, her girlfriend Jen, My wifey and my buddy Bill... it was great and that's all I have... Plus, Brett just came in to make sure that I'm working on the banner for the new web page, so I've really gotta cut this... okay, back to work.

In a bit,

Oh yeah... start sitting on pins and needles for DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY because I am and needle sitting is best with friends.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Been a little while... here, have a tragedy...

... So yeah, today's Tuesday and I wanted to get to you so badly that it's been killing me (mostly only because I had a GREAT weekend that I really wanna talk about), but work was busier than heck yesterday and I spent the every bit of it wound up in everything other than what I wanted to do, so... that's yesterday.

Today however, I am sicker than heck (AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I get up, all is good. I make cereal and eat (not before taking a Lactaid), I drink some coffee and take some calls, route some mail, get the chills (not the cool retro hip hop, urban outfitters style of chill, mind you... the chills of impending doom are the ones I've got. back the drama...), swallow hard, puke my guts up (and other very very fun stuff)... So that's been me. I'm really only here to post the Sandman and Matthew to my blog... pick him apart until I get back, will yuh?

There we are...

In a bit!



Friday, September 10, 2010

Hey, it's a 2 for 1 Tragedy!!!

Yesterday was hell (be it on wheels or whatever) and it all started with dinner from the night before ... Need I say more? Regardless, I spent the greater part of the day dizzy with VERY negative feelings and thus nothing was accomplished, nothing was started and my new friend (this here blogger) was never touched. Be that as it may, I'm here now and though there's nothing much to report, I have brought with me, a sketch... It's my way of making up lost time. So here you go... a sketchy crazy little robot with 2 heads (get it? "2 for 1").

So there we are... yeah, he's wearing briefs... friggin' hilarious (if you're me).

Okay, so on to the day thus far... I'm behind as a result of yesterdays gastrointestinal nightmare and freaking out... I never made it to the movies with the boys, so there's a little guilt, I half assed some laundry and now my wife has a very small (very new and very expensive) dress to donate to Goodwill, the loan and grant research never happened and NOTHING was done on Deep Space... Megacon is rolling around the corner and I'm getting the Yikes! I want to be able to put forth a new sketch book with all new stuff (something better than the 2010 book), i wanna do prints and have things to give people that'll thrill them, I need the webcomic to go live... I dont know how to market myself and oh crap... everyone's probably feeling the same way.

On to cool stuff... I've been talking a lot with my buddy Ed, he's really putting in the time and getting things done, His book is looking amazing and his sketches are really showing growth (not that I think he sucked, but it's just really cool to notice improvement... it's just cool). Joel has a killer ass concept for his artwork that he'll be unleashing upon the nerds at 2011 Megacon... all I can say is sweeeeeetttttt! and yeah, there's other folks who consistently beat my butt with coolness.

Anyhow, I'm gonna move on and get to work. I'll hit back as things unfold. If I don't, ya'll have a nice weekend and call me, I miss you


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Todays Tragedy...

... It's 4:22 and I'm only just now getting online... that's what happens when your stupid thing somehow comes detached from something else, you end up spending the day looking at your cellphone in hopes that someone (OH DEAR GOD SOMEONE) calls to let you know what's going on in the world(which no one ever did). In my case, I just called by good buddy Bill Fitzgerald to come over and set things right.... BAM!

Mikies back to work in 7 and a half hours flat!!!

Any old way, I haven't felt much like doing anything... at least nothing focused or value added, so I just drew pictures... Oh look, here's one now.

This guy's just sort of a creepy robot doctor looking fella with a tire iron in his right hand and an umbrella in the other (umbrellas just work for me, guess it's because I'm nothing if not a frustrated goth who never pulled together enough beans to actually go to school in eyeliner... it was hard enough just going at all... giant head and a neck like a stack of dimes). Okay, so that's me for today.

Hey look, I realize that I say nothing of any true value on this thin. If deep thought and social commentary is your bag, you're gonna have to give me a sec... I'm a slow burn and I'm just trying to feel my way around. Before too long, you'll all be standing by just hurting for another installment of "What's doing in this dickheads stupid life?", I promise.

So to get things started (in terms of things I have cooking in the real world-), I'll make a little list of what's bouncing around in this bean of mine.

I might be taking the boys to go Scott Pilgrim
I will be going on a boat trip on Sunday
I am currently and secretly pissing my pants with nervous angst
I'm gonna be researching grants and loans in order to get back into school
I'm always thinking about DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY!!!!!!! which is COMING SOOOOOOON!!!!!

Okay, enough of this trash.

Talk to you later

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

and yet another piece of Birthday art

This piece came to me from my good friend Ed Siemienkowicz ... It was really wild to open the mail and see it... I get weepy just thinking about it... Thanks Ed. Anyone interested can find some of his work by hitting up http://9mmstudio.com or http://9mmed.livejournal.com/


Just cant stop the bloggin'...

My Birthday was exactly 2 months ago and on this day a very good friend of mine did the above posted picture of Kup for me (Kups one of my favorite Transformers)... Either way, this is a pretty cool gift in my book and one of the cool things about it is that people normally have to pay for these things and this one was full on given right to me (for free!!!) and I didn't have to ask... WORD UP!!!! the artist name is Joel Carroll, you can check out his stuff at http://joelcarroll.com/ and http://www.spacedock7.com/ . Enjoy!

Ahaaaaa... made good on a promise

Cool... So, here's the one I'm sticking up here for today. It's another little promo idea for Deep Space Tragedy and it's mostly just a doodle, but he came out with a slick facial expression, and I can't let him go hidden for too... Go get 'em tough guy.

Hello! Back from a nice weekend

Thus far today's been quiet... so quiet, that it's making me nervous...

The weekend went off without a hitch, we had a couple BBQs, some drinking, some swimming, some goodbyes to old friends and... well... nothing much else. We finished the whole thing off with a viewing of the Wrestler (because that was a great effing idea)...

Right now I'm sitting here working and putting some color to a couple fan art projects that I have in the cooker. I know that I keep threatening do put these guys out, but I'm holding off until I get the new web page up and roaring with all sorts of misdirected artistic energy.

See, what's happening is that I'm in the midst of building a new Internet home for me and the projects... It'll make it easier to show off my junk and maintain communication with the ones I love (and that would be anyone who gives enough of a rats ass to look at my scribbles).

What I should be doing at very least is a doodle a day and posting it in order to keep everything flowing with as few excuses as possible... You know what? That sounds like a friggin' great idea... I'm gonna go draw and them follow this up sketch. Cool?

Okay, so I'm off... In the meantime, take care yourselves and we'll chat soon.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Here they are... Deep Space Tragedy

I hope that you'll love them as I do... all zero of you ha haaa

Okay, so I lie...

... What I thought was going to be a normal day, ended up trashed as our AC died again... for like the 14th time (no lie and in FL, is this a effing joke?). So the wifey and I packed up the stuff we needed for the night and headed over to my Pops place (thank you very much).

Didn't quite make it the bottom of my "Things to do" list... Oh well, at least it wasn't for lack of trying. So I don't have any progress to show for my Evelyn Evelyn fan art piece, but I will stick up a quick little teaser for the DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY project that I'm obsessing over. Enjoy, tell friends and stay tuned.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Feeling somewhat slightly better... and gettin' stuff done!

Right on, so today hasn't been a complete wash... I've brushed me ol' teeths, drank a pot of coffee, pee'd like an American and sort of completed page 10 of what's going to be my web-comic DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY... I say "sort of" because I have issues with commitment in terms of thing I do... so "sort of" is just gonna have to work for now.

Next order of business is to complete a piece of fan art that I've been threatening to post for some time now... Not sure if any of ya'll are familiar with the Evelyn Evelyn project that was put out by Amanda Palmer and Jason Webley... Well, it's a cool little concept that tells the life story of Evelyn Evenlyn a set of conjoined twins who are orphaned at birth and thus abused throughout their lives until they... uhhh... well, maybe I'll just let you figure that out for yourself (all zero of you who read this). Anyways, it's really a twisted and bittersweet tale and the music in great and imagery is awesome and if you live in a cool city, you've probably had an opportunity to catch it live (I don't live in a cool city and thus haven't had the chance to enjoy it live, so I just draw picture).

Well, that's me for today.


Monday, August 30, 2010

So I made it thru a crap weekend, why not get sick on Monday?

EH! The only reason I'm posting anything at all is because I promised myself that wouldn't fall off of this GD thing... So here goes.

Weekend started out pretty okay... Got to attend a Birthday Zombie Freakfest held in honor of my dear friend Amy Williams. Drank a bunch of that evil evil southern sweet tea flavored vodka had a great time and couldn't go home at the end of it all due to the fact that my AC died (May the owner of Lenox ACs be forced to eat his children in order to make it through the winter). So, the wife and I spent the night at my folks place. Next night we made it back over to the Carroll home where we once again got to burden our loved ones with guests. Got up this morning, came back to the hell pit otherwise known as my home and waited in the heat for the GD AC guy to come and deliver me from my anguish... It never happened because just as I realized the AC was fixxed, I also noticed that I've somehow picked up a bug (and bug that crawled into my body and is systematically shutting down all of my functions and wont stop before he drains my will to live). All that said, I didnt draw or tone a figgin' thing all weekend or today and not only am I feeling like white hot ick, but I also feel behind, worthless and like a bum.

So there you have it, I'm heading out for a Slurpee...


Thursday, August 26, 2010

7 months and nothing to say... 'til now Ha haaaa

Okay, so yeah... I let this little piece go untouched for a while, but this is only due to the fact that I've been busier that a... uhhhh... something pretty GD busy.

Since Megacon 2010 (which was in March), I've been fueled beyond belief and working my brains out on an upcoming project (a project that I'll be shoving into the faces of any and all who cross my path... be that in person or on this here interwebs)... Be on the lookout!

Being hunkered down with your nose to a laptop can make a man crazy, So I took time to fuel the imagination and burn out the insanity (while at the same time emptying my wallet) by attending two of the worlds most awesome and nerd-centric events to grace the beautiful (and by "beautiful", I mean sickeningly hot and muggy) city of Orlando, These events would be BotCon 2010 (a convention geared towards those who share a creepy love for all cars that transform into lovable and warlike robots) and Star Wars Celebration V (a 4 day love fest for Star Wars fans)... I took several pics and videos and as soon as I find a way to work them into a blog-post, you can bet ur ass I will... so give it 20 minutes or so. Cheers!

Alright... So what I wanna do now is post a couple sketches (unfinished of course because it keeps expectations low). I'm currently focused on putting together a little print that I wanna put out with the upcoming DEEP SPACE TRAGEDY comic that I've been obsessing over since March... so, here's a sneaky little look at a piece of it... Cool?

That sketch didn't layout the way I figured it would.. Dammit! All this technology and NOTHING reads my mind or provides me the interactive 3D holographic images of friends and loved ones from which to take orders while investigating intergalactic criminal activity... off planet... Oh well, hope you like the sketch... Much much more to come.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

First day on the blog and Maaaannn do i have nothing to say

Sorry... I just wanted to get this thing set up. I should start posting real GD soon, so feel free to check back. And being as anyone checking out my "blog" will probably be 1 of like maybe 5 people, you probably thinking "why does this tool need a blog"... well. I wanted one dammit, so shut up and read... I can be funny and from time to time I might toss up some drawings or maybe share with you some of the hundreds of photo's I've taken of my Christmas tree (it was a badass tree ya'll). Anyway, go 'bout yer business and keep me in mind... 2010 is the year that ol' Mikie boy takes on the future box and really gets it in gear... CHEERS!